
Posts Tagged ‘pastels in decor’

Spring is finally here!  I know I shouldn’t complain since our winter really wasn’t that bad.  And everywhere I turn these days, I’m seeing pastels.  That is the adjective, not the noun. It is spring after all, so it’s not surprising to see lighter, softer colours.  Spring is tulips, magnolia flowers, forsythia, cherry and apple blossoms.  And our sensibilities lean towards what we see and experience in nature.

For myself, well I’m a “winter” girl, which means I lean towards black, white, grey, red, jewel tones etc.  But this year I’ve made a resolution to lighten up!  Because life isn’t black and white now is it?  That’s rhetorical, btw.

Although I preach not to follow trends, it is certainly OK to explore colors to see which ones you like.  And of course you should always start with colours before doing any decorating.  Like fashion, you should choose the colours of pastels that suit your skin tone because your décor is an extension of your style!

So, if you haven’t figured this out already; take a good look at your skin tone.  Is it more orangey, yellow, “warmer” or is it more purple, blue “cooler”?  If you fall into the warmer tones than the pastel shades that will suit you are the peaches, buttery, creams, golds.  But if you fall into the cooler tones, than the pastel shades for you are the icy pinks, blues, purples and light greys.

Check out Liz Frost’s article on MSN UK to find out which pastel shades suit you.  Then apply these to your décor.

You don’t have to change everything, just add one or two colours that you like.  Make a SPRING DECOR RESOLUTION!

These are my pastel shades.

My Spring Decor Resolution is:

I will incorporate more orange into my decor accents!

What’s yours?


A quick and easy spring cleanup check list tomorrow.  Yah Spring!

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