
Posts Tagged ‘Tiffany’

Ever since Fabricland moved from O’Connor and Pharmacy, I’ve had to travel across town. But not anymore! Thank you macFAB for moving over to the east side.  The void has finally been filled.

In this new location since this March, Dale Sonier, called his new shop the  “TIFFANY’S” of fabric shops.  And it absolutely is folks.  The new shop, with it’s SOHO-style flag actually reminds me of a luxury boutique, because it has all the best “in season” fabrics, top quality notions (ribbons, huge selection of buttons, etc.), drapery and home décor good and accessories.  They even have felt, which they’ve donated for my “Chair Affair” contribution.  Thank you Dale!

Dale Sonier

macFAB has been around for 13 years, but Dale has been in the fabric business since he was 15 and he has an expert eye for all things beautiful and au courant. This is obvious when his clients include Harry Rosen, interior designers, event planners, and film production houses.

Here’s a peek:

Love, love the selection of printed cottons!

And what I like the most; Dale’s philosophy includes buying local and makes an effort not to buy from China.

There are big things happening on Queen East.  “It’s like what Queen West was like when it was cool” says Dale.  And I have to agree.

There are some really exciting things slated next year for macFAB.  I’ve been sworn to secrecy, so you’ll have to keep your eye on Queen East.

The thing I know for sure is that macFAB is macFABULOUS!

Located at 755 Queen St. East, east of Broadview.   Give them a call at 416-922-6000 or just visit.  They’re open late most nights.


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There are tons of great little décor stores in this city, (and I plan to review them all) but what excites me the most is when I find a new one!

Just opened last November, Daina Liepa, took the huge leap from advertising producer to store owner.  Not for the faint of heart, retail is a challenge no matter where you are. But with Daina’s expert eye and fantastic style, she has created a treasure trove of unique, one-of-a-kind décor items.

Continuum Modern Vintage is niche upcycling.  I love this term!  Upcycling is taking things that have had a previous life and giving them a new life.  From estate sales, contents sales and auctions, Daina has collected a vast storehouse of delicious things that you’ll want in your home.

Daina is constantly bringing in new items, from champagne glasses to rugs as well as Canadian eco-friendly and organic items, plus original art featured monthly from local artists.  And she has joined forces with Reg Dohms of Luxe Interiors to provide custom pillows and drapes.  Nice!

These are some of my faves!

These are real McCoys!!  At a steal!  But don’t tell anyone.

This is a real vintage Tiffany box!!

I love these paper placemats.

Things move really quickly, so get down there soon!

Continuum Modern Vintage is located at 707 Pape Ave on the Southeast corner of Pape and Danforth.

Call 416-778-1200 for more info.


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