
Posts Tagged ‘Friends’

Happy  Monday Everyone!

This is the last week of 2010 and although many are relieved to see it end, I see this week as a time for reflection.  Reflection for me means to review the highs and lows, (especially the lows) and learn how to do things differently.  So this week, I’ve dedicated to reviewing the best and worst posts, starting with the best.

As a blogger, I never know the exact combination of information that will interest you, the reader.  As my readership grows, I can only hope that what I write is interesting and useful.  But the best post for example, I literally wrote in 10 minutes with very little research and just a yearning to say what needed to be said.  And I seem to have struck a “recliner” nerve.  With over 1000 hits within a few hours who would’ve known.  Here it is again:

Ode to the Recliner

The television show GLEE has become by far my most favourite show of all time.  Yes, aside from “Twin Peaks”, this is the show that I stop my world for every Tuesday night. Did anyone see last night’s episode where the theme revolved around creating home?  That show beautifully portrayed the feelings and family situations that are au courant.  And how they used the recliner (Finn’s father’s) to symbolize comfort, familiarity and foundation of a family.  Brilliant!

My father has, to this day, his recliner strategically positioned closest to the television.  I remember years ago visiting distant family members in West Virginia, where the highest honour was bestowed my husband when he was allowed to sit in the “Grand Recliner” and control the remote.  My father-in-law even bought a sectional with flanking recliners on each end!  My sons (of which there are 3 of) would fight over who would get to sit in them.  Who can forget one of the earlier Fraser episodes where Fraser tries to get rid of his father’s only familiar possession; his beat-up recliner.  And Joey and Chandler’s matching black leather recliners became the topic of many Friends episodes.  This fascinates me.

Although Wikipedia says that cousins Edward Knabusch and Edwin Shoemaker created the first recliner in 1928 as a novelty in Monroe Michigan and later patented it in 1931 (then they renamed their company “La–Z-boy”), there is information that it was invented years before.  In 1780 there is evidence of a recliner existing in the court of Louis XV!  And apparently Napoleon had a version.  I’m not surprised.

So, if you want to buy a recliner where do you go?  Well there is La-Z-boy of course. I find them most unattractive, but I guess they wouldn’t be recliners if they weren’t.

If you take your recliner shopping seriously, you must  check out this checklist How to Buy a Recliner.  They rate the difficulty of this process as EASY. Too funny!

Ok, ok. If I really had to pick I think I would go with the Riley!


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The television show GLEE has become by far my most favourite show of all time.  Yes, aside from “Twin Peaks”, this is the show that I stop my world for every Tuesday night. Did anyone see last night’s episode where the theme revolved around creating home?  That show beautifully portrayed the feelings and family situations that are au courant.  And how they used the recliner (Finn’s father’s) to symbolize comfort, familiarity and foundation of a family.  Brilliant!

My father has, to this day, his recliner strategically positioned closest to the television.  I remember years ago visiting distant family members in West Virginia, where the highest honour was bestowed my husband when he was allowed to sit in the “Grand Recliner” and control the remote.  My father-in-law even bought a sectional with flanking recliners on each end!  My sons (of which there are 3 of) would fight over who would get to sit in them.  Who can forget one of the earlier Fraser episodes where Fraser tries to get rid of his father’s only familiar possession; his beat-up recliner.  And Joey and Chandler’s matching black leather recliners became the topic of many Friends episodes.  This fascinates me.

Although Wikipedia says that cousins Edward Knabusch and Edwin Shoemaker created the first recliner in 1928 as a novelty in Monroe Michigan and later patented it in 1931 (then they renamed their company “La–Z-boy”), there is information that it was invented years before.  In 1780 there is evidence of a recliner existing in the court of Louis XV!  And apparently Napoleon had a version.  I’m not surprised.

So, if you want to buy a recliner where do you go?  Well there is La-Z-boy of course. I find them most unattractive, but I guess they wouldn’t be recliners if they weren’t.

If you take your recliner shopping seriously, you must  check out this checklist How to Buy a Recliner.  They rate the difficulty of this process as EASY. Too funny!

Ok, ok. If I really had to pick I think I would go with the Riley!


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