
Posts Tagged ‘Christie Antiques Show’

First things first

1. Clear out your trunk and make sure you know how to adjust your seats. Do a practice run just in case.

2. Bring old blankets and bungee cords or rope for the large things.

3. Know what you want!  Do a little research on the item you want and make yourself aware of what its market value is so you can haggle a good price.

3. Bring enough cash!  I’m a bit of an impulse buyer and have been known to buy things that I haven’t any space for.  So for me less is better. I’ll only bring enough cash that I can spend.  But if you’re purse strings are less tightly wound, bring more, because it would be shame if you found a piece that you just had to have and couldn’t pay for it!  Been there done that!

4.  Bring a lunch – selection is limited and line-ups are long so it’s best to bring your own food and drink and snacks!

5.  Check the weather forecast and be prepared.  It’s all outdoors and they don’t have rain dates.

5.  The early bird….  Get there as early as possible because you’ll end up in a long line of cars trying to get the farthest parking spot in the park!

6. Take your time!  Once you’re there, take time to see everything you can.  And once you pick something just get it.  Don’t expect it to be there if you say you’re going to come back for it.

7. Haggle as much as you can because dealers expect it and won’t be insulted. Here’s a good line “ I’m on my way out now..what’s the best you can do?”

8.  Most importantly –  wear comfortable shoes!

Hope to see you at the Christie Antiques Show!

Have fun!

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We are very pleased to announce that the winner of the “ A Day of Antiquing” Contest is:

Martha Scandrett

I’m not sure what this piece of furniture is called or when it was

manufactured, the 70¹s, I imagine.

I bought it on impulse in 2006 for $400.00.

It sat for weeks on my balcony unattended as I decided what to do.

Brilliantly crafted except for the Avocado relief.

I eventually found a refinisher and paid $750.00 to refinish it along with

two other pieces.  A steal!

Lo and behold this gem is Mahogany!

The beauty of the piece is that it closes up into a compact chest of


Add 2 leaves ­ it transforms into my daily workstation.

Add the other 3 (5 total) leaves and it becomes my 7 foot dining room table!

Congratulations Martha!  This is a fantastic piece and great find.

We look forward to spending the day with you antiquing at the Christie Antiques Show.

Thank you to everyone who participated.

Wishing you a wonderful long weekend!

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